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Welcome to Reiki Retreat! A place for both the novice and seasoned Reiki practitioner to drop by for inspiration, information, and ideas. My hope it to have an engaging community where lightworkers gather and share what we are doing as we move ahead in these exciting days of spiritual evolution..

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Visited By An Angel

Many of you who have been in my classes have heard me tell the reiki story of the evening that my daughter Jenna had her accident on the swing at our house.

Just to recap for those unfamiliar: A ladder had fallen on her causing her to receive 2 layers of stitches above the eyebrow, as well as having a number of facial bruises, and injury to her shoulder and arm. On the way to the hospital both her and I Reikied her injuries, as well as having her take Arnica, a homeopathic remedy in a small amount of water.

Her healing was unbelievable, within 2 days there was literally very little indication that an accident had occurred other than the stiches. So, anyway as I was tucking my daughter Jenna into bed after returning from giving the presentation at Grand View Hospital, I mentioned to her that I told the Reiki story about her accident at the swing set...although I always tend to mention this experience in talks, I have never mentioned it to Jenna that I do so...she took me off guard with her response that I would like to share with you, that just makes it even more of a miracle...

She said to me: "Mom, I have never mentioned this to anyone about that nite, but I think I was visited by an angel." I asked her what she meant...She said, "that ladder was too heavy and I couldn't lift it off of me, I thought I was going to die or at least get knocked out and I would lay there bleeding until someone found me, then the ladder lifted off of me without me doing anything and I was able to get free". It sent chills through me to hear her say this!

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